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Jazz Improvisation Course includes 16 Lessons created by Arthur Lipner. These are provided to those purchasing the course as an Excel sheet. Below is part of that document. On the left is the topic of each lesson. On the right, the video location is indicated. Watching briefly before each of these locations, students will see the musical context which prompted the lessons. Notice the minor Blues scale is introduced as the first scale in Lesson 12 because it has one less note than the Blues scale which includes the 3rd in
Lesson 13.
There are many ways to use these lessons. The course includes them in Bb, Eb and Bass clef. Band Directors could hand out the exercises in rehearsal to be used as warmups or teaching tools. In this case students could play the exercises as an ensemble. Student in small groups could play these together as well. Thirdly, student can practice them together. Improvising is usually done in a band setting, so this would be a great entree to practice as well.
Most exercises are indicated to be played with a swing feel.

Course Lessons

For instructors, this Lessons document offers great flexibility. One option is to add student names in columns to the right of the grid above. At that point instructors can track student progress, indicate tempi, make general notes, and even organize grades! As you see, this course is intended to be as plug-and-play as possible.
Arthur welcomes your ideas and comments at anytime as he begins to plan production for Video 2 in May/June. You can reach him at provided address in the Contact section.
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